Nayeli took a poop on her toilet for the first time. We were so proud of her we took a picture.
Nayeli has become my litlle helper. she grabs the babies toys, diapers and bottles for me when I ask her for it. She has been enjoying playing with them alot more. She doesn't like to share her toys with them and will say "that's mine" if it's one of her old baby toys. I have had to watch all three by myself a few times all day and night because Shane has been working alot of OT. I do have help that comes but she is not always available. It's a challenge to bathe and put them all to bed but I am proud to say that I can do it! I have also taken them for walks and the park by myelf and have taken the dogs too. I just do it!
We took Nayeli to UCSF for the CDH clinic and everything went well. We were so happy to hear that the hiatel hernia and unbilical hernia are no longer a concern. She amazes us on how much she loves all the Doctors.
She has grown up so much these past few months. She likes to sing Twinkle Little star. Her favorite TV show is Dora, Olivia and Curious George. She likes to wear dresses and will change at least two times in one day. The other day she said to me "call grandma Toria I need money" I asked why she needed money. She said "for my wallet". She is funny! She loves to get attention from us and when she wants something and I am busy feeding the babies she will say "he is not hungry" or "put bottle down". When my hired help comes I take Nayeli out and spend one on one time with her. I am so glad I can do that with her. She loves when I sing "hush little baby" and "Itsy Spider". We are trying really hard to get her potty trained. There are days that she will tell us she has to go potty and then there are days she will just go in her pull up. My dad came to help me for a week while Shane was away for work. Nayeli has a bond with him from the time he was here while I was in the hospital. I was so grateful for his help. He looked exhausted when it was time for him to go home.
I can't believe Eliana and Eli are 6 months and Nayeli will be three next month. Time is flying by!
I was offered to go back to work PT two days a week. I accepted the offer and was supposed to go back at the end July. As the day approached I noticed I was getting very sad and Shane noticed I was getting moody. Shane said he would like me to be a SAHM and it would be up to me if I wanted to go back. I had a tough time deciding. I love my job but I love my children alot more. I think I made the right decision. It's hard to keep up with two babies and a toddler. Every little thing they do each day is so amazing.
First time eating solids.
First time watching TV. I put the sign language DVD on and they love it. They only watch it once a week for 10 minutes. It will be a challenge to keep them from watching TV while Nayeli is.
Twinkie got sick two weeks ago. He ended up staying over night at the hospital in the oxygen tank. He had labored breathing. The Dr. told me that he has heart disease and will have to be on medication for the rest of his life. He is doing better. Here is a picture of him with Molly with their halloween costumes.
Eliana started to roll over about two weeks ago and this week she started to roll from back to tummy. She is mastering it from watching Eli. She also has started to push her self up with her arms. She gets frustrated sometimes from getting tired. She has two front teeth growing in and loves to chew on her hands and toes. She has a great appetite and sleeps well for naps during the day. She slept through the night once this week and usually wakes up once or twice. She has started to show less interest in her swing now that she has more freedom to move around on the floor. So we will be packing up the swings soon. I am sad but know that it's just one of the many miletsones she has accomplished. She has an incredilbe smile that makes you say awww each time. She likes to squeal and will let out a little scream every now and then from being so excited. She loves her bath time every night and loves to kick the water. She is a true pisces! I am having her practice sitting up with propping her with pillows she loves it. She will pull her self up with anything that she can grab on to. She loves when I sing "You are my sunshine" to her. She makes me so happy and I am so glad I am with her everyday to see her go through all her milestones wich is priceless.
Eli is full energetic little boy. He loves attention and will make sure that he gets it. He will smile and giggle at you. He has mastered rolling around to get to one destination the other. He has two front teeth and loves to chew on his fingers, toes and Elianas feet. He gets a little rough sometimes while on the floor for play time with Eliana and will pull her hair. He was a terrible napper during the day but this past week he has surprised us and has been sleeping twice a day in his pak n play in our room. He was waking up 3-5 times a night he has narrowed it down to 2 times a night. He likes to come and sleep with me and loves to snuggle up to me. He loves to scream and is babbling alot. He also is starting to gurgle with little spit bubbles. I remember Nayeli doing the same thing. He loves his bath time and likes to kick the water too. He absolutely loves when I sing him songs any song he isn't picky. He loves being tickled especially on his belly and feet. He is trying to sit up but still falls sideways if I let go. He is so strong he pushes himself up with his arms and looks around to see whats going on around him. He loves watching Nayeli dance and laughs when she runs past him. He has a contagious laugh and you cant help but to kiss and hug him each time he smiles.
So sad summer is over! We had alot of fun going to the park, pool and taking a drive to LA for two weeks to visit my parents. Shane played in a hockey tournament and he also ran the SF marathon. He had eleven runners run with him to raise money for the Nayeli Faith Foundation. I am so proud of him. I hope I can run with him next year. Shane's parents came to visit for two weeks in June. We were so grateful for Grandpa Jim who grilled the best BBQ and for Grandma Darlene making some nice dinners. We always are sad to see them leave. It's hard to live so far from family. We are grateful we have great friends. I have met wonderful friends at church at my bible studies on Wednsedays. I guess it is true angels are disguised as friends. God is always watching after us.
I remember someone telling me that the first year will be a blur with the twins. Yes, they were right! I have to write things down in my journal otherwise I will forget what happened a week ago. I am soaking all of my children in everyday. I love them all so much! I am so grateful to GOD for giving us all three. Each one has their different personality. They make us very happy! Nayeli got her wish when I asked her last year. Do you want a brother or sister? She said "brother sisiter"