Mommy, next to sleeping princess Nayeli....mommies usual spot!
We have been at the hospital all day, as usual. We love our daughter so much and cant stand to be away from her. We believe our presence alone helps her with her fight and we talk to her, praise her, and encourage her all day long.
The PIK line is now officially out, which is great. At a bear minimum, this posed a risk of infection. We are happy they took it out!.
Nayeli, as mentioned before, has had some rough days lately. We think these days have worn her out. Last night, we woke up in the wee hours of the morning so Liz could breast pump. As usual, she wakes, pumps, and I then get up and clean the tools and set it up for the next pump. We also make it a habit to call the nurse watching over our baby girl to see how she is doing. Nurse Kim, who is a wonderful and gentle person, told us Nayeli got a little restless again in the early evening. They had to give her some Adavan to relax her. She fussed for about another half hour and then went to sleep. That is pretty much what she has done since then. We joked with the nurse and wondered if they slipped her something to sleep.
With that in mind, today has been a slow day for us. Nayeli has slept pretty much all day today. We think the crying and fussing finally got the best of her. It is hard for us as we want to hold her, talk to her, read to her, and sing to her. We know she really needs her sleep to heal, so we have pretty much just stared at her all day. So, sleeping princess Nayeli continues to slumber and mommy and daddy continue to stare at her. She is so beautiful and peaceful sleeping!
She is defintely beautiful sleeping! She is a princess indeed! Hoping she gets to hear the "H" word soon!
I think Nayeli is at peace! Her body is responding to God's healing touch! Didn't you say the rest is good for her body? She really is an amazing baby!
I love you guys! Do you think I could come and visit you on Sunday afternoon?
Nayeli really must have needed her sleep today!! I hope she is having wonderful dreams of coming home! Many continued prayers that she continues to do well with her feeds and is getting stronger everyday. It sounds like you may get to try breastfeeding really soon. I hope she can go come off the CPAP to the nasal cannula--she will be a much happier baby.
Sweet dreams Nayeli,
Tracy Meats - mom to Ian (born with a LCDH on 4/3/04) and WY and CO State Rep. for CHERUBS
I had to catch up on the last few posts. I love seeing all of the pictures. Nayeli is so adorable even with the CPAP. I pray that whatever the crying spells, there will be a cure.
I am glad that you guys have such wonderful doctors and nurses, they seem very helpful.
Hi Liz and Shane,
It's fantastic to read about Nayeli's progress. Great job little one for sleeping all day, it should definitely speed up your healing process!
Love the pics and love the descriptions Shane!
We are thinking about you all the time and hope that your little one's condition will continue to improve.
Ingrid, Alex & Alina
Liz, Shane and Nayeli
First off, sorry for not posting for a while, I had a lot of catching up to do when I finally got a chance to sit down at my computer this morning and check on all my CDH kiddo's.
I cant get over how beautiful Nayeli's skin is, it just looks soo soft and smooth. That was one thing I loved about Elli, she had the most perfect skin.
We think about you all so often, and are so glad things are going so well, even though it has been a rollercoaster, you guys are making strides everyday, and showing CDH who's boss, and that is you Miss Nayeli!
Liz, I hope Shane gets to stay with you until you ALL go home as a family, you two are so strong, and you can see your love for Nayeil in the pictures of you all holding her.
Love Ya
Angel Elli's Mom
Wow..poor little Nayeli is can imagine...the nurses and Drs prod her (as they must), you know yourself that the hospital is the LAST place that a person can get any rest..when you are an adult, they wake you to see if you need a sleeping pill!! But seriously, she looks beautiful you guys and you both love her so is visible to everyone..she couldn't ask to have better parents, better care or be progressing any better. I know the minutes must seem like eternity, but it will all be worth it the day you wrap her in a beautiful little outfit and carry her home with you. Keep doing what you are doing, it's working. Love to all and prayers too, Gail
prayers for all of you guys!!!!
Sweet dreams baby girl! Sleep tight so you can get stronger and go home soon :)
CHERUBS Mexican Rep.
We are glad she's resting more. Ah yes, the long days at the hospital, the getting up in the night to pump and checking in with the NICU when we do...Nik and I did those same things. Hang in there, we know she is fighting and we'll pray she continues to improve! Please email us if you need to talk. :)
-Megan, Nik, and baby John
Little sweet pea is coming right along and getting stronger each day. The crying is good lung exercise. You are all troopers!!
Stay strong and kiss Nayeli for me.
Just thinking about you guys and checking up on how Nayeli is doing. I hope all is going well, kind of worries me that there is no post today, but I am thinking the best. I know personally, that sometimes it is easier to spend time with our babies then to post on the blog.
Well, just wanted to let you know that you guys continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
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