I went in for my NST today. Shane was able to come in for the last few minutes of it. Kathy my favorite nurse told me my fluid is at 29 today. I only had one contraction and Nayeli is facing down. This was all great news! Only 9 more days until they induce me! 10 more days until we meet Nayeli! We are hoping Nayeli stays inside until my parents arrive on October 16th from L.A and Shane's mom and stepdad arrive from Buffalo, NY on October 18th.
Prayers needed for the following CDH babies
Ava who is two years old and reherniated, Ava had to have emergency surgery last Saturday. She is back on ventilator and fighting for her life. Please pray for her that she will have the strength to come off of the vent and heal quickly.
Carter was born three days ago. Carter was put on ECMO. Please pray for him that his lungs and heart will be able to rest while on ECMO. Pray for him to have the strength to come off of ECMO and to be stable enough to have his repair surgery and heal.
I'm happy to hear your positive news.
Having twins, I never had a due date, so when the doctor said "today is the day - time to go to the hospital" I was in shock...and so was everyone else! You sound like you and Nayeli are in excellent hands.
I'm sending healing thoughts to Ava and Carter.
Liz and Shane,
Wow how exciting that only 10 more days! Are you ready? Can we ever be ready? Everything sounds good. So happy to hear your levels are going down. Mine continue to go up. I'm upto 30 now. It is great that the grandparents will be able to be there for you guys!
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Liz and Shane, what great news today from your NST. It won't be much longer and you are going to get to meet your precious little girl! I am sure she is going to be beautiful like her mom! What a good thing that your fluid levels are down--hoping Nayeli waits for her grandparents to be there for her big day!! Many continued prayers for your little girl.
Tracy Meats - mom to Ian (born 4/3/04 with a LCDH) and WY and CO State Rep. for CHERUBS
Relax and enjoy the peace - you two look so thrilled!
Ava and Carter will do just fine - I know it. They have too many out here cheering them on! As does Miss Nayeli...
With thoughts, prayers and LUNG FUNCTION chants,
Liz and Shane wow I can't believe Nayeli will be here in 10 days. I can't wait to see her!
You two need to get all the rest you can and please sit down on the couch and just enjoy each other. Nayeli is such a lucky girl to have you both.
Thanks again for the beautiful flowers you sent to Ava. They are right outside her door. We can see them through the huge glass PICU door. That was so sweet of you both to be so concerned for our Ava.
WE love you both.
~The Helmick Family
How exciting! Just a short time and your most precious bundle will be here! Much love!
Shane & Liz, just 10 days!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you. I believe everything will go just as schedualed and Nayeli will come into this world strong and determined..just as her parents.
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