Nayeli's bed nestled between our world famous UCSF couch beds we have come to love.
Yesterday the Dr's told us we would get to stay and board at the hospital over night so we could have Nayeli in our room with us. No more tubes, no more monitors, and no more beeping. First thing this morning we packed our belongings at our friends Tom Hidas house we were staying at in SF. Shane and Telly went there this afternoon and packed everything so Telly could take it home. Telly also brought us Nayeli's car seat. We were so excited to be spending the night at the hospital with Nayeli.
The Dr's told us during their rounds that Nayeli is great and we should look at her as a normal baby (the DR said this at least three times). We were so happy! I started to cry and hugged each Dr. and thanked them. Shane got teary eyed and held back his tears of happiness.
Nayeli had a great day. I breast fed her and also bottle fed her. She was waking up every 2 1/2 hours and asking for more food. She has a good appetite and we are so happy! She also keeps her food down well and we hope this stays this way. Spitting up food is very common for CDH babies. This is yet another blessing we have had minimal issues with.
Shane and I went out to a nice dinner over looking the beach in SF. We took this advice in having a date night from Nik and Megan's blog. We went to the Beach Chalet restaurant near Ocean Beach. We have gone to this restaurant in the past and love the area. Great food and good service. We had a nice dinner and talked about how blessed and fortunate we are. We are both still in awe at the fact that we will be home with our baby girl in less than 24 hrs. It feels like we have been here forever and we cant wait for Nayeli to meet Max, Twinkie, and Molly. Telly (Liz's dad) took some of Nayeli's cloths home today so the dogs and cat can get a sniff of our newest family member....Warrior Princess Nayeli!
We want to thank our Kiwanis friends, the Bonn's, Collelo's, and the Goldsteins for the great food. Thank you Marge for taking the time in getting the food for us. This, along with your wonderful comments and support, has sustained us. We are very greatful for everyone in our lives. We are blessed with wonderful, caring, supportive friends.
One of Nayeli's many favorite UCSF Nurses...Nurse Kim!
I get sleepy when mommy holds me.
Why did you just wake me? I was having a dream about meeting Molly, Twinkie, and Max.
Hi Liz and Shane,
It's really nice reading your latest post. You've had an incredible journey so far and we are happy that things are going so well and that you finally get to take Nayeli home. Congratulations to all three of you and have a fantastic weekend!
Ingrid, Alex & Alina
what great news!! the day that you have been praying for for a long time is finally almost here!!!what a true miracle!!! cant wait to see her first picture in her own BED!! prayers for you alll!!!
This is the most joyful news this morning! I will drop dinner off tonight! I made a wonderful comfort meal for you!
You are going to have the most wonderful night, at home.... cuddling with your precious gift! She is so amazing, and God is so amazing!
Congrats on being able to go home so soon! I am amazed at how well this little princess fighter has recovered and is now considered "normal". Wow! Please continue to give us updates. xoxo
What an auspicious day - will be thinking of you! Words cannot adequately express our joy for you - just wonderful, wonderful, thankful news. Love you, Amy & Family
It is so wonderful to wake up and read in your blog that "Warrior Princess Nayeli" is going home today. I had tears in my eyes for you both, this has been a tough time, which you knew it would. Nayeli seemed to jump pass all the hurtles thrown at her. Lets still pray that this will be her way of doing things her whole life. SHe has had so much love and support, it is hard to think that it could be any other way. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
Wow, she is truly a Warrior Princess. I was so happy to read this post. Congratulations on this huge step. I also enjoy the videos. Can't wait for the next one, AT HOME. YEAH!!!!!
Again, just such awesome news!!! I'm so glad you will get to settle in and be together at home. Please take care of yourselves as well. Nayeli is a miracle! I just know she was put on this earth to be something great. Can't wait to watch her grow :)
Looking forward to hearing the update, the 3 of you are home!! Nayeli is so beautiful and Liz and Shane, congratulations on getting to take Nayeli home. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend. God has big plans for Nayeli, your warrior princess!!
Tracy Meats - mom to Ian, born with a LCDH on 4/3/04 and WY and CO State Rep. for CHERUBS
Wow!!! Great news. The Nelson family looks great. Cute baby. I see a little bit of Uncle Andre in her. God Bless.
Liz and Shane,
What wonderful news!!!! I am so happy that Nayeli is doing great and is ready to come home. Best of all, you get to treat her like a normal baby :) She is wireless! What a wonderful start for her!
Wow, I'm so very happy for you guys! I'm so glad you got a date night, too, and that you saw that on our blog. It was very meaningful to Nik and I to have that night as I'm sure it was for you both. It's kind of like the closing of so many chapters, right? Close to cdh chapter, close to only us two, but the opening of such an amazing time in your lives. I am sooo looking forward to hearing about how Nayeli likes her nursery and her first days home. Congratulations to all of you!!!
-Megan, Nik, and baby John Michael
Carepages, JohnMichaelLarson
What a wonderful post to read!!! I am so excited for all of you to be able to go home and be a complete family...I am sure the dogs will like that.
Way to go baby girl. You are one strong little sweetheart. You have touched the lives of many with your strength and determination. Now you get to go home and sleep in your own house and have mommy and daddy around all of the time. Be good for them as they have been by your side throughout everything (I am sure you will). You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong!!!
Praise God for all things. This is such an amazing time. Love every second and cherish any struggles, you might actually smile when you say, "remember when......" You are all an inspiration and a joy. Keep loving that little one and each other!
I am so excited for you guys! Enjoy being a family at home! Woohoo!
You are probably home now but I have been thinking of this for the last few days - keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,
PS Enjoy the Joy!
I am so happy for the 3 of you. I wish you nothing but the best!
CHERUBS Mexican Rep.
YEAH!!! Congratulations! That is so GREAT! So glad you can finally start your family at home. UCSF Rocks! But its awesome to go home from there. I can't believe they said she is like a "normal" healty baby, I don't think they say that to many CDH parents! So she must be doing fantastic! Awesome! You guys made my day, thanks! Enjoy your time. Janell
Well, the time has finally come..and look how far Nayeli has come too..What an amazing journey. We all know how serious chd is, so often people only read of the sad outcomes, but Nayeli brings hope to all of those babies who also must fight the good fight. You are also great inspirations to the parents of those newborns, who will have a tough road ahead, but they will have hope by seeing what CAN happen. The doctors are right though, she needs to be treated like a healthy baby..we tend to try to shelter them because of what they went through, but in the long run, and I LEARNED this through ,my own experience, they will thrive better if they are allowed to grow up like other babies. Yes, they will fall, yes, they will get colds, coughs, etc...but they get over them, I promise you..and become stronger. So enjoy your little beauty..never stop giving thanks and keep the hope fires lit for all the cdh babies. Love and continued prayers, gail
I am so very happy! Nayeli is such a fighter. She has come such a long way and proved those doctors wrong. Your faith in God has truly inspired me. I will continue to pray for Nayeli's health and happiness.
May God bless your family.
Amy Miles
mommy to Faith Grace Miles
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