Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Angel Virginia Addison Accord

I got the phone call from Kristi Kaden Alex's mommy this evening telling me about Addison loosing her battle against CDH. I started to cry and had to put Nayeli down for Shane to take care of her because I was shaking. I logged on earlier to see if there was an update on Addison's blog but there was no new news.

I was honored to have met precious Addison as well her parents, Marion and Jason. Please pray for Marion and Jason for their loss of their little girl Addiosn. Shane and I are deeply saddened by Addison loosing her battle.


Anonymous said...

i am so sad to hear of addisons loss! god bless you and your miracle! praying for those who lose and those who win!

Gail said...

My prayers for that beautiul Angels parents and family. It is so fanstastic of you both to be offering them your comfort and support. Nayelis is beautiful. Her progress is amazing and your love for her has brought her through tremendous odds as you can see by the "angels" that have gotten their wings. Send out prayers of thanks every day and continue to help others through their journey. Love and prayers, Gail

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this terrible news, they are in my thoughts & prayers. Love, Amy

Megan Larson said...

I too found out about Addison last night and have been shedding tears for this angel. We never know why these things happen, nor can we understand it. The picture of Addison is beautiful, thank you for posting it and telling her story.