It amazes us on how fast you are growing up. You are a little sponge ready to soak everything in. You love to go outide and will stand by the glass sliding door and say it in your cute way "ouside". When you are outside you ignore us and have a fun time exploring. You walk with such enthusiasm. You will tilt your head back and smile and giggle with joy. Your smile is contagious. We love watching you! You love bugs and will sit and stare at them. You are so gentle with them. You never step on them or squish them with your finger. You especially love ants and rollie pollies. Twinkie stepped on a rollie pollie by accident and squished it. It died instantly. You stared at it and wondered why it stopped moving. I said it went bye bye. I didn't know what else to say. You have shown empathy towards your plastic dog toy. I was playing with it and by accident it flipped on it's back and I was dragging it with it's leash. You quickly started to cry and ran towards your dog toy and held it. When you drop your dolly you rub it's head. Sometimes you will rock her and try to sing to her. I think you are trying to sing rock a bye baby.
You are teething again! You are chewing on everything including your hand and fingers. Sometimes even your toes. You sometimes let me clip your nails but usually you get restless and you won't let me touch your finger nails or toe nails. You love getting baths. When you are in the tub you splash water at me or daddy. You laugh and think it's funny. You love watching Barney before bath time. You love to dance to some of Barney's songs. You love the I love you song. You will say "I" and keep saying it when you want me to sing it.
We think you really like Grandma and Grandpa's dog Sparky you ask for him all of the time. You say Parky. It is so cute. When we were going for a walk with Twinkie and Molly the other day you said walk. You kiss your dolls, teddy bears, Twinkie, Molly, mommy and daddy when we ask for a kiss. You especially like to kiss John and Carter's or any pictures with babies on them.
You are sleeping through the night. If you wake up it's for a diaper change. Sometimes when we walk in you will crying and will be sitting in the corner of your crib with your teddy. You immediately suck on your finger and go back to sleep after your diaper has been changed. You go to bed at 8pm and wake up at 8am. You started to take one nap per day. You are doing well with the transisiton. You get very tired by 1pm. You nap from 130pm to 3pm. You hate diaper changes unless they are when you are in bed. You don't like getting dressed or having your hair brushed in the morning. You do like to brush your own teeth. You also like to brush your own hair with mommy or daddy's hairbrush.
We took you to your first kindermusik class last Friday. You were overwhelmed seeing all the children in the classroom you were fine towards the end. Daddy and I were a little nervous taking you. After meeting the instructor and telling her about you she was very nice and understanding. She made us feel very comfortable and said she disinfects all of the toys before any of the children touch them. She also said she sends chilren home with their parent if they are sick. That made us feel at ease.
You copy alot of the words we say. Your new words are look, outside(ouside), dos(spanish for two), No or No No No
Words you say
bye bye
Kitty car,
mimis(sleep in spanish)
orchata(mexican drink)
naranja(orange in spanish)
agua(water in spanish)
You Baby sign
wave bye bye
all done
do the kissing sound
You can point to your head, ears, nose, eyes,toes, feet, fingers and belly when we ask you. You love having your feet tickled. You think chasing Twinkie and Max is the funniest thing. Twinkie doesn't mind and will chase you back. Max just runs away from you. You love eating dog and cat food. You love to share your food with Twinkie or your teddy bear.
You keep us busy and love every moment with you even when you have temper tantrums. You do outstanding performances. You love the simple things in life. It brings you so much happiness. We are grateful and thankful for living with a miracle.
What a wonderful update. She is such a miracle. I remember 18months to 2 years brought tons of amazing change, so get much fun!
Wow! She is talking a lot I see and signs so much as well.. I have been a bad mommy and haven't even started the signs yet.. :( She is amazing- walking, talking and now joining kids at kindermusic (sp?) :) That is so awesome!! :) And the pic with her butt up- K always sleeps like that.. it's so funny!!
I'm glad things are going so well!!
Thanks for the update!! Nayeli continues to be such an inspriation for us. It is hard to believe that she is already 18 months. Time truely does fly when your having fun.
Love Sheree (Oakley's mom)
Wow, she is doing so much! I can't believe her long list of words. I think John is going to be the "strong, silent type." Or he will make up his own language and expect everyone else to learn it. :)
I can't believe how fast she can walk already!! I'm glad she's getting out there with other kids and that you've found a sitter you can trust. I'm so happy for you guys! Nayeli, John says thank you for the kisses!
Happy 18 months Nayeli! So glad that you are doing well and that you are doing kindermusic. We're looking forward to reading more about your progress.
Lots of cuddles.
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