We had a nice Christmas at home and enjoyed watching Nayeli open all her presents. We had the Loal News contact us regarding the Nayeli Faith Foundation and were interviewed. It was great talking about CDH and to raise awareness of this birth defect. It gave us a great oppurtunity to talk about our foundation. We had alot of friends contact us and tell how great it was to see us on the news.
We planned a vacation to go to LA and visit my parents and have our babyshower down there to see our friends. We were so excited to go on our last vacation as a family of three. I guess I didn't realize that I was exerting myself getting everything ready for our trip. On December 30th I ended up in Labor in Delivery. I was about to give Nayeli a bath when I went to the bathroom I noticed I was bleeding. I FREAKED OUT! I cried and called the Prenatal Birth Watch Hotline. They told me I need to go in the hospital and get checked out. I called Shane at work and I sounded very upset. He came home and we had our friend come over and babysit. Nayeli must have known something was wrong because she was clinging to me and wouldn't let go. She would cry if our babysitter tried to play or talk to her. I have never seen her act this way. I was supposed to lay down until Shane got home but Nayeli was so upset she wanted me just to hold her. I finally got her to lay next to me until Shane got home.
When we got to the hospital they immediately were looking to see if I was contracting and they checked the babies heartbeats. Then they did an ultrasound and lastly my least favorite they checked me with a specula to see where the bleeding was coming from. Everything was fine I had not bled since I got to the hospital and that was a great sign. The Doctor said it was ok to travel and go to LA. We stopped several times
I had an appt with my high risk Dr. on Wednesday the 12th and he said everything looks great. He told me the babies look great. I also had an appt with the sonographer on the 19th. She measured the babies. Baby girl weighs 3 lbs.5oz and baby boy weighs 4 lbs. 2oz. She didn't tell me the length. Both babies look great and she showed me the diaphragm. I can't help but to ask each time.
Some of the precautions I am now supposed to take are I am not supposed to pick up Nayeli up as much. If I do it's usually during bedtime to rock her. I put a mini ladder next to her crib when it's time for bed. She climbs up on it with no problem and I am right there making sure she doesn't fall. I have lowered her highchair so she can climb on it instead of me picking her up. My high risk Dr. told me its ok to pick her up but to limit it. I usually only do it when she wants to be held at night. I rock her for a few minutes and I put her back in her crib. When I give her a bath each night she cooperates and sits on the side of the tub and slowly puts one foot in the tub at a time while holding on to me.
She has been showing off her belly and saying "feel babies". She will come up to me and feel my belly and say "baby kicking". She laughs so hard when she sees the babies on the ultrasound. She will yell "BABIES".
My parents came to visit on the 14th and were here for the weekend. They took care of Nayeli for an entire day while Shane and I went to a childbirth class. We are glad we took it again. It was different this time since the first time we had a planned induction. I had a Dr. appt today and he said that the babies are at 4 lbs. each and they are measuring 16 inches. We discussed birth plans. He said that if baby A is faced down and baby B is breach they can still do a V-Bac. If they are both breech then it would be a c-section. I am 31 weeks now so by the time I am 34 weeks he will have a better idea of what plan we are going to go with. I am not as scared as I was in delivering Nayeli. I am actually excited and looking forward to giving birth to twins. What a blessing God has given us. We are forever grateful!
Nayeli sure knows what to say to cheer me up. Lately my hornmones have been getting to me and Nayeli will see me cry and say "stop crying mommy,it's ok". She is so sweet. Her vocabulary is taking off. She will ask me if I like something before she tries it. If she sees or hears something scary she will either cover her eyes and say "scary" or just come up to us for a hug for reassurance. When she hears something she will put her hand next to her ear and wait to see what the sound is. She loves to sing along with some of her favorite songs from her Yo Gabba CD or the other CDs she has. She gets very upset if she drops somethng or spills something. She is very vocal and will tell you what she wants and she hates to wait. We need to teach her patience. We enjoy playing with her. Shane usually is the one that can play with her more physical with her right now. I miss that! I usually will sit down with her and she will play with her tea set with me or just read books. I love watching her. She has been such a great big help lately. She will put her laundry away and knows where it goes. She will also put her dirty clothes in the hamper. She has had her terrible tantrums they are priceless. Sometimes it's hard keeping a serious face when she melts down like that. I will usually just say let's hug and that makes her calm down. I don't think she knows why she get so upset sometimes. Everything she does is priceless!
Here is a video of our trip to LA.
Liz it is so great to hear that you are doing so good with this pregnancy :) I pray that you're able to do a VBAC, God watch over you during these next weeks. I know I am excited to attempt a VBAC, I pray we are able to. Praying for a healthy delivery and safe labor.
Jenny (Weston's Mommy)
Wow, Nayeli is so smart and doing so much. I love the pic of her up on the horse.
Labor and delivery twice, how scary!! But all is well and it's good to know help is so near. Nik and I are so excited to hear how big the twins are getting!! They will be here soon!
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