Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Good News!

I had an appt. today with my Dr. at Kaiser Hospital. He went over the information from UCSF with us. He wants me to meet with the Pediatrician Surgeon from Kaiser and get a consultation with them. Shane and I decided not to have the trachael occlusion surgery. The Dr. at UCSF told us the risks involved to me and Nayeli. We decided to have Nayeli full term.

I had an ultrasound today and he told us Nayeli is 1lb 11oz and she looks great. He did the LHR three weeks prior to our visit to UCSF and Nayeli's LHR was 0.9. When we were at UCSF they told us Nayeli's LHR was 1.0-1.1 Today he did the LHR and it was 2.0, I gave him a hug. Shane and I were so happy. We have been praying for Nayeli's lungs to grow. I am so thanful to God and believe in him. The Dr. said not to get to excited because in two weeks when I come back it could change and be 1.3 Shane and I are going to continue to stay positive and pray for Nayeli. Everyday she is more active and I feel her moving around alot more. I tell her she needs to battle this and be strong. I pray everyday and ask God to please help our baby girl be strong and help us through this.


Amber said...

Thats great news! I will continue to pray for Nayeli that her lungs grow and that she will be able beat CDH.

One thing I have learned with my son born with CDH (six months ago) These babies are tough and they are born to fight. Nayeli kick CDH's booty! You can do it we believe in you!

I will pray for the two of you while your CDH roller coaster takes off. Their are so many ups and downs with CDH. The best advice I can give you is enjoy the ups and try to remain positive.

Today my son is a healthy happy six month old. Looking at him today you would never know he was born with a serious life threatening birth defect. Except for his cool warrior scar.

My thoughts are with you and your sweet little girl. If you would like to contact me please feel free to emali me at


P.S I love the name Nayeli, it such a pretty unique name.

Vicki Jensen said...

Hi. I found your blog via Claire's. My son was born Aug 2007 with severe LCDH. He is my miracle.

I will keep your little girl in my thoughts & prayers.

You can read Jack's story at

The day to day dairy is on his carepage:
CarePage Name: JackJensen

mom to Jack, LCDH & ECMO
now happy, healthy & home!